LGB Shorty Loco ex "Peanuts"

This LGB 20231“Shorty” 2-4-0 was built from two damaged locos and tenders that were bought off eBay.
The loco with tender was originally painted in a"Team Peanuts" set and had only a slight damage to the loco roof but the tender under carriage was badly damaged but the other loco was just for parts but the tender chassis was in good condition.

I repainted it a blue using spray pack cans from a $2 shop, it is used to pull some Bachmann Jackson Sharp coaches that I have resprayed again using the spray pack cans to be attuned more to Australian railway colours.
Passenger Coaches

It has been converted to Battery Power Radio Control using my standard HobbyKing model aircraft components control method.

Peanuts Loco Original Livery

Peanuts Tender Original Livery

Radio Control & Electronic Components;
  • HobbyKing 2.4Ghz 4Ch Tx & Rx Version2 Mode 1, converted into Mode 3 i.e. throttle and direction all on the Left hand stick for Vic and the Right hand stick used for Shorty.
  • HobbyKing 2.4Ghz Receiver T6A-V2, compatible only with HobbyKing T4A & T6AVersion2 transmitters, (a 4 channel Rx comes with the TX/RX combo but any extra RX’s have to be 6 channel, because that is all that is offered by HobbyKing)
  • Turnigy TGY-20A Brushed Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
  • HXT 9g/1.6Kg/.12 Micro Servo operating a Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) toggle switch for controlling direction.
  • Ten (10), 2700mAH NiMH, 1.2V tagged AA cells, in a holder, are used to give a nominal 12V Battery.
  • A PICAXE based sound card from the “Sandstone & Termite” tutorials (program listing below). 
    Sandstone & Termite Tutorials
  • LED front & rear lights are across the motor input.
Component Locations;
  • The battery, located inside the boiler.
  • A DPDT Centre Off switch, mounted on the boiler back head, used for power ON/OFF/Charge. When gold stripe on switch lines up with piping the loco is on, loco sound is a hiss when stationary.
  • Charging studs under the loco, for connection to charger by alligator clips, switched in when Charge position is selected.
  • All Radio Control equipment (ESC, Servo with direction switch and Receiver).
  • The sound card and speaker.
  • A 7805 regulator board to supply +5V for the PICAXE  on the sound card.
Battery to the components in the tender and motor control from the tender is via a plug on a lead from the tender and a socket mounted on the loco.
Sound Card Program Listing

'example of the steam sound generator WITH VOLUME CONTROL and SHAPING
'GH 9/4/14
'100 bytes

'**** My NOTES*****
'*****Installed into Peanuts August 2015*****
'speedconstant increased to give better sound at full throttle
'offVol altered to lower volume when stopped
'a cyclic noise in the background behind hiss is heard when stopped
'possible amplifier overload. Gerg said its the PICAXE being picked up by the amp.

'a voltage on pin1 represents the speed of the loco.
'a 'white noise' chuff sound is produced on pin0 and pin2, which must be amplified externally.
'suitable for 08M and 08M2 at 4 MHz
'pin0 is sound output
'pin1 is speed voltage input
'0V=stopped, +5V=max speed
'if speed volts are inverted ie 5V=stopped and 0V=max speed,then invoke line INVspd:
'pin2 is PWM output voltage to control volume and shape the chuff

'define variables
'w0=b0,b1 not used
SYMBOL speed=w1
'will be 0-maxspeedcounts in prog after reading in and processing
SYMBOL chufftime=b4
'length of chuff in 12 ms periods (use in SOUND command)
SYMBOL offtime=w3
'in ms. need a word as can be >255 at slow speed
SYMBOL oldspeed1=b10
SYMBOL oldspeed2=b11
SYMBOL PWMvolume=w6
'0=max volume, 255 =min volume
'has to be a word, but using 15kHz PWM, max value is 255
'define constants
SYMBOL maxspeedcounts=100
'max speed will be represented as this in prog.
SYMBOL stoppedcounts=5
'define less than this as 'stopped'= about 5% ofmaxspeedcounts
SYMBOL maxspeedIN=225 'changed from 255 **see notes at end to calc this value**

SYMBOL speedconstant=6500 'CHANGED from 3000
'adjust for 4 chuffs per wheel revolution
'depends on maxspeedcounts too.
'determine these by experiment.....
SYMBOL loudVol=150 'Changed from 150
'chuff volume when accelerating
SYMBOL offVol=220 'CHANGED from 250
'hiss volume when stopped and between chuffs
SYMBOL midVol=210 'CHANGED from 210
'chuff volume when slowing
'to charge volume control cap to stop loud chuff at start
READADC10 1, speed
'now adjust for actual input voltage and normalise to a specified maximum (maxspeedcounts)
speed=speed/4*maxspeedcounts/maxspeedIN MAX maxspeedcounts
INVspd: speed=maxspeedcounts-speed 'only use if speed voltage is inverted
'*now speed is always represented by 0 when stopped and maxspeedcounts at max input voltage*
if speed<stoppedcounts then stopped
if OLDspeed1=0 and speed>stoppedcounts then loud
if speed>=OLDspeed1 AND OLDspeed1>OLDspeed2 then loud
if speed<OLDspeed1 AND OLDspeed1<OLDspeed2 then soft
'otherwise just leave as it was
offtime=speedconstant/speed '(in ms) and
'in 12ms counts
'needs to be in 12ms counts now.
'start chuff shape charging capacitor
PWMOUT 2,63, PWMvolume
'at 15.7kHz, 255=min vol, 0=max vol
SOUND 0, (255, chufftime)
'start hiss sound

PWMOUT 2,63,offvol
'start to decay chuff
SOUND 0, (255, offtime)
goto start
PWMOUT 2,63,offvol
'soft volume
sound 0, (255, 100)
'3/4 sec of hiss
goto start
goto chuff
goto chuff
'the max volts applied to pin1 for the speed MUST NOT EXCEED the picaxe supply voltage.
'Assuming that is 5V, then a voltage divider on pin1 must reduce the motor volts to
'less than or equal to 5V at the MAXIMUM SUPPLY VOLTAGE !
'It would be prudent to reduce the voltage to a bit less than 5V
'if max volts on pin1 are less than picaxe volts (5V) then you must determine the value
'for maxspeedIN as follows:
'using a multimeter measure the picaxe supply volts (Vp) and
'the voltage on pin1 with max supply voltage (Vm1). Then
'maxspeedIN= Vm1/Vp*256. (round the result UP, and must max of 256.)
'example, you measure Vp=4.28V and Vm1=2.65V, then enter SYMBOL maxspeedIN=159

PICAXE Sound Card
Tender Layout

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