9 October 2024

4. March to July 2024 Sewer Access Hole

March 2024;

While dismantling the part of the loop across the shed doors on the right side, looking from the shed a sewerage access hole was discovered right where a new post was going to go.

If I continued straight ahead the benchwork would have covered it and if access was needed the benchwork would have to be removed.

After contacting the local council engineering department it was deemed that a the realignment of the benchwork was needed so it did not cover the access hole.  They booked a job to come out to adjust its height so it is at ground level.

The upshot of this is that the lower bench in the shed will have to be longer which will give extra track length so it is not all bad.

Access hole with benchwork in original position  

Access hole and post

Access hole as uncovered

Access with benchwork realigned from front

Access with benchwork realigned from side

July 2024;

The work on the access hole height has now been completed the council people were very obliging and fast tracked it for me but it still took a while as they had higher priorities and are short staffed.

An unseasonable wet weather spell caused a cancellation of the first attempt and it had to refitted into their schedule again which caused a bit of a delay.

The access hole is now clear of the benchwork and if it has to be accessed it will not require dismantling so new benchwork can now be built.

The adjusted access hole with new lid

Adjusted access hole from side

Adjusted access hole showing relationship to benchwork position









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