Using House Render to make Cliffs/Cutting Walls

 To make simulated cliffs /cutting walls, I used Acrylic House Render coloured with an Oxide which was applied over the rough side of some fibre cement sheeting.


  • Make a dry mix of the render and some oxide (amount used can be varied to give the desired colour) 
  • Add water to make a paste similar consistency to cement mortar used by bricklayers 
  • Wet Fibre cement to slow down water absorbtion from render to stop it from crumbling. 
  • Trowel render onto the fibre cement while the backing was still damp. 
Optional; acrylic paint washes can be applied to dry render to give different shade and to break up the colour.

Bag of Acrylic Render

Bag of Colour Oxide

Cutting wall made with render

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